Monday, June 04, 2007

Busy Month
We've listed the house, and are hoping that we can get enough for it to afford the move to Happy Valley. I am yet to hear an official acceptance from the 'Y' for getting in their Grad program, but word on the street is that's it's on it's way. We've also put on offer on a townhome in Happy Valley, that has a great location. Here's hoping it all works out. (Cause if it doesn't I'm taking out an $80,000 loan and starting my own tv show.)
This is going to be a tough adventure, moving the first time was easy, but now with Cam, it's a whole new world.

1 comment:

Doug said...

I feel your pain! It will all work out, though. Keep the faith.

At least you aren't in a 2-bedroom apartment/hole forced to listen to pulse-pounding bass music at all hours of the night.